- Our solar system is 4 and a half billion years old and the sun was surrounded by a cloud of dust and gas and the minerals began to clump together
- The minerals began to clump together
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- They were held together by static electricity
- Minerals stick together to make rocks then rocks stick together to make boulders then the boulders stick together to make meteorites or planets and they were held together by static electricity
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- all the rocks blown into space collected together to make the moon
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- Every rock from space brought a drop of water and since earth started all the rocks that hit earth brought a tiny drop and with more than 5 million rocks that had drops of water in it our oceans were made
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- Meteorites carried Amino acid witch were attracted to each other then they came together to make protein and amino acid replicated themselves aka copying themselves. They turned into DNA and then made bacteria. Witch then made life