
Thursday 26 October 2017

Geological time period

Precambrian Earliest

  • This was the time where  the firs single celled beings thrived and they went through extreme conditions. They later became multicelled organismed.

Cambrian 540 mya

  • A large amount of organisms with different shapes and sizes.
  • The first animals with backbones were present.
  • Mostly carbon dioxide in the air in this time period.

Ordovician 490 mya

  • There were many animals without skeletons.
  • Early shellfis, trlobites, nautilus, starfish and fish.
  • First green plants and fungi.
  • End of the Ice age period.

Silurian 443 mya

  • First advanced plants.
  • First Jawed fish with exoskeleton.
  • More shellfish.


  • First ferns.
  • The earliest fir trees with seeds.
  • The first insects that were wingless.
  • Amphibians.
  • Animals from earlier period die out due to moist and cool climate.

Carboniferus 359 mya

  • Enviroment has swampy lands.
  • First appearance of coal forest.
  • Early sharks, large trees larger than the ones we have now.

  • First reptiles and vertebrates.
  • Trilites dissapearing.
  • Glaciers form.
  • Appearance of winged insects.

  • Oxygen in the air.

Permian 290 mya

  • Land masses were formed in to a whole continent called pangaea.
  • Glaciers dissapear higher climate.
  • Lots of reptiles.
  • Cone bearing trees appear.
  • Beetles and flies appear.
  • Ocean life is in a large amount.
  • 251 mya 95% life extinct.

Triassic 248 mya

  • Dinosaurs appear
  • First mammals and crocodiles appear
  • Modern corals and fish
Jurassic 206 mya
  • Lots of different dinosaurs
  • Ferns and cone bearing plants
  • Mammals common but small
  • First birds and lizards
  • Land mass, Pangaea break up into Gondwanaland and Laurasia
  • High Carbon Dioxide levels

Cretaceous 144 mya

  • Lots of dinosaurs including Tyrannosaurs
  • New types of insects
  • Flowering plants appear and become pentiful
  • Modern Crocodiles and Sharks
  • Early birds appear
  • Gondwanaland breaks up 
  • Rocky Mountains appear
  • Carbon dioxide similar to today

Paleogene 65 - 23 mya

  • Modern plants
  • Lots of different mammals
  • Dinosaurs extinct
  • Primitive whales
  • First grasses
  • Rapid changed in Mammals
  • Climate coos
  • Ice age begins and ends during this period


  • Modern climate 
  • Modern mammals and birds
  • Horses evolve from dof like animal
  • Lots of grasses
  • First apes 
  • Southern Alps of NZ

Quaternary 1.8 mya - present

  • Anatomically modern humans
  • Human stone age culture 
  • Ice age comes and goes
  • Sahara forms from grassland
  • Humans begin agriculture
  • Stone age  Bronze age 3300 BC  1120 BC
  • Industrial revoloution leads to rise in carbon dioxide levels