
Wednesday 7 December 2016

Zombie Apocalypse situation

Zombie apocalypse

Fun facts about communication
1. There are many different ways to communication here are a few examples: television, Facebook or even your expression and tone in your voice
2. Listening is also communication
3Apparently our hearing is a lot slower than our brains ability to think we only listen to 100-125 words per minute yet our brain can think of up to 3000 words a minute while thinking
4. We process images faster than words. We can only store 7 bits of information using words at a time while our vision seen forever stores the images in our long term memory.

We found our infomation here and here 

Why is commutation the most important?

Sure water is important and food is important. You probably think that there is no way communication can be more important than food or water. But whats the point in having food and water if you are going to be trapped in a place for the rest of your life bored out of your imagination with zombies all around the outside world. The thing is you can survive a certain amount of days without food and water. So what if we communicated with another unaffected country and they sent something to pick us up we wouldn't need food and water they would bring some to us. We would be safe and we would be out of the zombie apocalypse save and sound which no other job can do as effective as us. Witch is why we are ore important. We are also useful if we are stuck for a while in there long enough for the help to arrive but zombies break through how are we going to now. Can and string
Image result for can and string
What we had to do
As communication we had to design a way to communicate with each other and the outside world. Our first idea was can and string. We then decided to find a way to make it work better so we had a idea for a communication tower.

This was one of our first designs

We had many arguments about what to do. About how to build the tower were to put it and stuff like that.

We ended up splitting into 2 sides in the group because of the arguments but eventually agreed on one tower plan

The tower plan was 2 towers.

The arguments were finished for now and we thought is was over we just needed to paint the tower black then done. But then Our teacher Mr Stock talked to us about communication and antennas. So we made a antenna by getting two Popsicle sticks and a piece of wire. We circled the Popsicle sticks with the wire and there go we made it. Later on 2 of us argued once again about were to put it.

The tower is supposed to have all the can and strings in the base connected in it. One person would be on each tower and would receive information and send out information and would people able to see all of the bass or most of it from the tower.

Why did we place the towers there? We were going to use can and string as our main communication so to make it a bit easier we set up communication towers. In these towers we would receive everyone's messages and would then send them out to other people and if something bad happens we would be able to see it.

Thursday 24 November 2016

Kete week 2

                                                            Kete week 2'

Today we started our monster acting. Im robbert the frog and i always shout ROBERT. We also started practising being a ocean. Me an Nathon were is a group and we did ebb which is water slowly going down.

Thursday 25 August 2016

Making bilton

I want to find out how to produce food with no backteria

Equipment i used to make bilton were.
raw steak
Sharp knife

Instructions for making bilton

1. Cut the raw mea into thin strips approximatley 1-2cm wide.
2. Put the stips of meat into a bowl
3. Put newspaper on whatever surface you are using
4. Get the salt and spice out
5. put salt and spice on all sides
6. Push the salt and spices into the meat
7. Once all of it is in the meat tie it up 3 times
8. Hang it up on the window wall hoocks whereever you want
9. BUT IT NEEDS TO HAVE AIR AROUND THE MEAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10. Leave it until when you squeeze it only the very middile is soft


MakingGinger Beer

Aim: I want to find out how to make ginger bear


You'll need: 
--1c sugar (or less) 
--small piece of ginger root 
--a lemon 
--a grater (microplane or fine holes) or food processor/chopper 
--an empty 2L plastic (important) bottle 
--around 2L of fresh water


Peel and finely grate a small piece of ginger.
Roll the lemon between your hand and a hard surface a few times; this will help you get the juice out more quickly once it's cut.
To the empty 2L bottle, add:
--1c sugar
--1/4 tsp yeast
--lemon juice
--grated ginger
Fill your 2L bottle to an inch or two below the top with fresh water. Screw the cap on tightly, and shake until everything is dispersed. Be certain to flush the sugar from the nooks at the bottom of the bottle.
once you're finished, place the bottle in a warm-ish place
Check on it every few hours by squeezing the bottle. When you can no longer push in on the bottle take the bottle and put it in the fridge. This will slow down the fermentation and keep things from exploding. 

Note: I am quite serious about the exploding bit. If you leave the bottle just sitting in a warm place for a few days, it will likely explode and send sugary water all over the room. So keep an eye on it!
What is that stuff at the bottom?
Its yeast that is growing as it eats the sugar

What does it smell like?
It is the smell of ginger combined with baked bread and stale alchohole

What does it taste like?
The ginger should make it spicey. The yeast should have eaten all the sugar so it does not taste sweet

What happens if you shake it
It will fizz because of the carbine dioxide that was made by yeast


What is yeast? Orgasim from the fungis familey

What did the yeast do in the ginger Beer

What are some other good uses of yeast

What are some other bad uses of yeast

MakingGinger Beer

Aim: I want to find out how to make ginger bear


You'll need: 
--1c sugar (or less) 
--small piece of ginger root 
--a lemon 
--a grater (microplane or fine holes) or food processor/chopper 
--an empty 2L plastic (important) bottle 
--around 2L of fresh water


Peel and finely grate a small piece of ginger.
Roll the lemon between your hand and a hard surface a few times; this will help you get the juice out more quickly once it's cut.
To the empty 2L bottle, add:
--1c sugar
--1/4 tsp yeast
--lemon juice
--grated ginger
Fill your 2L bottle to an inch or two below the top with fresh water. Screw the cap on tightly, and shake until everything is dispersed. Be certain to flush the sugar from the nooks at the bottom of the bottle.
once you're finished, place the bottle in a warm-ish place
Check on it every few hours by squeezing the bottle. When you can no longer push in on the bottle take the bottle and put it in the fridge. This will slow down the fermentation and keep things from exploding. 

Note: I am quite serious about the exploding bit. If you leave the bottle just sitting in a warm place for a few days, it will likely explode and send sugary water all over the room. So keep an eye on it!
What is that stuff at the bottom?
Its yeast that is growing as it eats the sugar

What does it smell like?
It is the smell of ginger combined with baked bread and stale alchohole

What does it taste like?
The ginger should make it spicey. The yeast should have eaten all the sugar so it does not taste sweet

What happens if you shake it
It will fizz because of the carbine dioxide that was made by yeast


What is yeast? Orgasim from the fungis familey

What did the yeast do in the ginger Beer

What are some other good uses of yeast

What are some other bad uses of yeast

Tuesday 5 July 2016

Welcome to my very own blog for learning. I look forward to sharing my learning with teachers, my school, my family and friends anywhere.

Thursday 5 May 2016

How the Earth was made

YouTube clip on how the Earth was made

  • Our solar system is 4 and a half billion years old and the sun was surrounded by a cloud of dust and gas and the minerals began to clump together
Related image

  • The minerals began to clump together
The team observed how charged grains of dust in their mutual electrostatic interactions can undergo attractive as well as repulsive trajectories similar to planetary orbits (pictured)

    Link to Page
    • They were held together by static electricity
    • Minerals stick together to make rocks then rocks stick together to make boulders then the boulders stick together to make meteorites or planets and they were held together by static electricity
    Image result for Minerals stuck together and formed rocks
    Link to Page
    • After 30 million years Earth was made
    Link to Page
    • As the Earth got bigger it pulled more rocks and minerals into it
    Link to Page
    • Then the earth melted and all the metals sank and all the rocks floated

    Link to Page
    • The outside cooled and formed the crust

      Link to Page
      • The Moon formed when another planet collided into Earth
      Link to Page
      • all the rocks blown into space collected together to make the moon

      Link to Page
      • Every rock from space brought a drop of water and since earth started all the rocks that hit earth brought a tiny drop and with more than 5 million rocks that had drops of water in it our oceans were made
      Link to Page
      • Meteorites carried Amino acid witch were attracted to each other then they came together to make protein and amino acid replicated themselves aka copying themselves. They turned into DNA and then made bacteria. Witch then made life 
      Link to Page
      • The bacteria breathed of a gas oxygen. Every bit of bacteria made a tiny bit of oxygen
      Image result for oxygen

      Tuesday 12 April 2016

      Hands on fire

      Aim: I want to safely set my hands on fire.

      Equipment: Safety glasses, box, In the box water, hoes, Detergent (liquid soup), lighter

      1. Be safe Safety glasses Roll your sleeves up
      2. Wet hands wrist and arms up to your elbows
      3. Get a scope of bubbles
      4. Move away from the box
      5. Hold the bubbles at eye level as far away from body as you can
      6. To put out the fire SLOWLY

      I didn't get a go put people looked really nervous when it was lit it looked like it went 1 metre high!

      Thursday 7 April 2016

      Walking in Straight lines

      Aim: i want to try and walk in a straight line while i have my senses gone

      Hypothesis: I predict that i will go the complete opisite question and wont walk in a straight line.


      1. blindfold to stop us seeing

      2. Cotton wool in our ears and noses to stop us smelling and hearing

      3. Bucket to stop the wind

      Im going to try and walk 200 metres.

      First of all put that cotton up your nose

      Next put some cottin in your ears

      Now put your blindfold on and then put a bucket on

      Well i didint get a go but my budy XD she was heading to the tuck shop here are some photos
       Her at the end

      Thinking there are trees everywhere

      Food! her heading to the tuck shop

      Thursday 17 March 2016

      Burning magnesium

      Aim: I want to find out what happens to magnesium when you burn it

      I think that is might just melt and maybe turn into liquid or stay together but burnt up

      Heat mat, Bunsen Burner. Siccer tongs, Magnesium, Lighter and safety goggles


      1. Get equipment
      2. Put on safety goggles
      3. Put down your heat mat
      4. Connect your Bunsen burner to the gas tap
      5. Close the air hole
      6. Turn on the lighter
      7. Turn on the gas
      8. Open the air hole
      9. Hold the magnesium in the scissor tongs
      10. Put the magnesium into the blue flame
      11. Observe what happens

      When i burned solid shiny gray magnesium in the blue Bunsen burner it formed a bright white light and lasted for around 6 seconds then it went out. Some white powder was left over.        

      Why did the magnesium glow brightly?

      When magnesium burns, it is actually reacting with oxygen in the air and not with fire. Fire is what we call the heat and light produced when things burnMagnesium reacts with oxygen to make a compound called magnesium oxide. The bright light results because this reaction produces a lot of heat.

      When magnesium is in its metal form it will burn very easily in air. However, in order to start the reaction (the burning) the magnesium metal needs a source of energy. The flame provides a source of heat so that the magnesium metal atoms can overcome their activation energy. Activation energy is the minimum energy required in order for a chemical reaction to proceed. When the magnesium metal burns it reacts with oxygen found in the air to form Magnesium Oxide. A compound is a material in which atoms of different elements are bonded to one another. Oxygen and magnesium combine in a chemical reaction to form this compound. After it burns, it forms a white powder of the magnesium oxide. Magnesium gives up two electrons to oxygen atoms to form this powdery product. This is an exothermic reaction. An exothermic reaction is a term that describes a chemical reaction in which there is a net release of energy (heat).

      My hypothesis was that it would just melt or turn into liquid but it ended up turning into a bright white light

      Other experiments related to this i could do are

      • Did it make another chemicals
      • Why was it a white light
      • How hot did the magnesium get
      • Do all metals glow brightly
      • What would happen if we used a chunk of magnesium
      • What would happen if we used powered magnesium

      Thursday 10 March 2016

      How to write a science report

      This is i want to find out

      This is a educated guees

      This is a list of the materials i need

      These are step by step instructions

      These are factors that can change the results

      These are my observations
      I need to do my results in a table

      This is where you need to preform any calculations
      I need to do a graph

      This is where i explain the results and i answer the question why

      This is where i say if my hypothesis was correct

      This is your reflection on the investigation

      Hi, my name is Limited aka Brayden
      I go to hornby high school