
Wednesday 14 February 2018

The merchant of Venice: Shakespeare play

A few days ago we started our merchant of Venice lessons in English class. The merchant of Venice was made by William Shakespeare first shown in 1605. So far we have only been given a brief overview of what happens so we don't have a exact idea of what will go down. The main plot is that the merchant of Venice is loaning some money to help his friends get this certain lady. The deal is that if he doesn't return the money he has to give the Jewish person a pound of his flesh. Unfortunately his ships are believed to have sunk since they have no returned. What happens next? Find out by reading it!

What I think might happen. I think the Jewish person might possibly be jailed right at the end for what he is trying to do! I also think that the merchant of Venice ships will return right at the end. Since it was only a rumour in the first place that his ships sunk.

Something I am interested in after watching these two videos: I am really interested in the exact details of the plot and how everything happens. Why does this Jewish man want a pound of flesh in the first place???? why are his ships rumoured to have sunk????

Here are the two videos we watched:

A quick guide in small detail

The 2004 trailer

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