
Thursday 12 April 2018

The New Zealand shooting, Aramoana Massacre (New Zealand shooting)


In social studies, we have finished our Black plague topic and can now choose our own disaster these could be shootings or stuff like oil spills. I decided to do the Aramoana Massacre. It is a shooting that happened in a small town called Aramoana near Dunedin.


The massacre happened on 13 November 1990 the shooter was 33-year old David Gray. There were 14 deaths including David Gray and 3 injuries. Both his parents died his father first and then his mother, his mother's death greatly affected him said his sister. He was always interested in militarily books getting them from a place for seven years before he threatened an employee with what looked like a shotgun in a box. 

Leading up to the disaster his mental state worsened he alienated his only friends, shortly before the shooting he went to a bank and got a 2$ fee which greatly annoyed him. He then bought a gun for 100$, he then went to get food but the pie he ordered was cold he got mad about it and was then kicked out of the store.

The start

It began at 7:30 pm about a supposed argument about a dog in the movie it makes it seem that it was about one of the daughters accidentally going on his property to get to the garage. David Grey and his old best friend Garry Holden then began arguing until David Gray walked back into his house got his gun brought it out and then shot Holder several times and then fatally in the head while he was on the ground. Nearby were Holdens 2 children Chiquita, Jasmine and his girlfriends adopted child Rewa. The 3 children saw their dad die and ran into the garage desperate to survive they hid under a table but David Gray burst the door open with his gun looking for the children. He found Chiquita and shot her once the bullet lodging into her abdomen she managed to run out of the house sprinting for her mother's house while running past her dead dad.

Gray then proceed to light the house on fire with the 2 others inside it is unknown if they were burnt alive or shot, their bodies were found charred in the house. Once she got to her mother she told her what happened and realized her daughter was still trapped there. They quickly drove they're but were shot at, they could see that the house was already on fire meaning her 2 daughters were probably dead.

The fire 
David Gray set fire to the house which caused most of the deaths. People would come to the house believing there was a fire they needed to help with. Once they would approach David Grey would shoot at them killing them.

Anti Terrorist Squad

The next day an Anti-Terrorist Squad was sent they went from house to house throwing tear gas in and waiting for him to run out. They finally found the house he was in as he started to shoot through a mattress he put up. Several officers were hit during this. Tear gas was then thrown in and he ran out screaming kill me fing kill me you bastards. they attempted to restrain him but he acted like a wild animal breaking handcuffs multiple times.

Here is my presentation on a Google slide. It has a bit more information on certain things including the victims. Any feedback? What do you think about why not give me some feedback in the comments?

Word vomit week 11

Here is this weeks word vomit this time it was about a picture

"How did this happen, Bruno? How?" "I told you already some guy ripped a wheel in half and put it around my neck then latched it." Said the somehow talking dog. "I don't believe you its obvious something else happened." It was a rather puzzling situation. "Would I lie to you master?" "Yes if you wanted something" stated the man. "Can you just get this stupid thing of me?" "No not until I know the truth!" The dog whimpered and used its eyes to try to subdue the man into freeing it. "No, I will resist your control!" The dog's eyes went red and it stared at the man, then it started to pretend it was starting to struggle to breathe because of the wheel. "I won't fall for that either young animal." The dog is lier so it obiously did this to itself im going to leave it for a bit to teach it a leason. He walks inside. All of a sudden he hears a drunk guy walking up his driveway he looks at the man and gets out to get him away, the man gets to the dog and takes a leak on it and then breaks the tire trying to take the dog away. "OY PUT MY DOG DOWN!" "pWut I pAyED For ThE DWoGY" says the drunk man. I guess the dog was telling the truth.

Wednesday 11 April 2018

Brutal Medieval time torture devices: The Merchant of Venice can do

Medieval torture devices

The rack

In the Merchant of Venice, we are told about a torture device called the Rack. The rack is a medieval torture device, it was rectangular with a usually wooden frame. Raised from the ground a victim would have their ankles and arms chained down. To torture a person they would pull a lever slowly separating the arms and legs from the body. It was incredibly painful and if stretched too far the arms and legs would dislocate, muscles could break leading to them being useless. If a victim survived being stretched this much they would be disabled with many body parts dislocated and muscles are torn. Once being stretched other torture methods were used, burning the legs with a fire, tear out the nails, one of its earliest uses was in Greece to torture slaves or noncitizens. It was then majority used in Britain after that time period it wasn't used much again.

Here are some other torture devices back then:

The tub was a torture device where the victim was placed in a tub with only there heads out of it and covered in honey and milk. Fly would begin eating them and planting maggots in them. They were fed regularly and eventually they would die as maggots ate their decaying body.

Crucifixion was the same thing that in religion killed Jesus. Your body would be nailed to a wooden frame and you would slowly bleed out while nailed to a wooden frame. This method normally took a couple of days to kill.

Coffin torture was when a human-sized cage was hanged and a person was put in it. It would be uncomfortable and eventually, they would die and the crows would come to eat their remains. Overweight people would be put in smaller cages to heighten the discomfort.

The torture chair was a chair filled with spikes over everything, the victim would be strapped to a chair and then the spikes would cut into there body. This was used to scare people into giving confessions and would be incredibly painful.

Monday 9 April 2018

Merchant of Venice can do task: The short story of the shipwrecked ships

We had been sailing for a few weeks but it seems like we are close to Venice, soon we will get back home and Antonio will pay us for our job. I've always enjoyed working for Antonio he is being a bit risky right now though with sending almost all of his money out to sea lets hope nothing happens to him. "Captain Pirates ahead!" Pirates had been sighted and they were quickly rowing towards the group of 3 ships. "All men hands on deck! WE ARE UNDER ATTACK!" The pirates quickly boarded the front ship and quickly cut down the unprepared sailors not many of us have been trained for a situation like this! The pirates set the first boat on fire and quickly sunk, the pirates had already managed to board the second boat. They made holes in all of the boats and it to began to sink water going into the boat through the holes, the ship being consumed by water. We were all that was left I would not give up so easily adrenaline pumping through my veins.

We had several archers onboard and they began firing at the invading pirates several of them fell down dead, the number of pirates was not as big as first believed it was about 2 dozen pirates. The archers continued to fire at the pirates attempting to board with several small wooden bridges and they were actually keeping them back the pirates could only use 2 wooden bridges at this point and warriors were defending against any pirates that managed to pass. The wooden bridges fell into the water and the pirates began fleeing we started to celebrate until we smelt something..... fire. The pirates had set fire to the bottom of the boat and managed to shoot arrows covered in a fire at the sails. They managed to put it out but now they were stuck slowly sinking. This was the end for them they may have won one battle but they lost this one.

What do you think? Feel free to leave a comment about your opinion on it.

The Merchant of Venice The Race Against Time

The race against time

We are now up to scene 4 act 3. Recently in the book Bassanio and Portia got married as well as Gratiano and Nerissa. Antonio is now about to lose flesh which will likely result in his death so Bassanio is on his way to do his best to support his best friend. What do you think will happen?

1. What is Lorenzo’s opinion of Antonio?

Lorenzo majorly respects Antonio thinking he is an amazing faithful man, he believes Portia letting Bassanio go help Antonio is amazing of her since as I said before he really admires Antonio.

2. What does Portia tell Lorenzo she intends to do?

She intends to live in a monastery and give Lorenzo the ownership of the house until Bassanio returns.

3. What does she ask Lorenzo and Jessica to do for her and why?

She asks them to look after the house until she and Bassanio return.

4. Why does Portia think Antonio and Bassanio must be alike?

She knows that Antonio lent Bassanio some money at a price, they are also best friends so she believes best friends are normally alike meaning Antonio would be a really good guy.

5. Why do Portia and Nerissa intend to travel dressed as men?

They can pretend to be lawyers and do there best to use the law against Shylock. Portia has a relative that is a lawyer that should be able to teach them to use the law against Shylock.

6. In A3S4 L 60-78, how does Portia describe the behaviour and attitudes of young men?

She describes them as immature only carrying about battles and ladies.

7. Does it seem likely that Portia is going to follow the expected behaviour of a wife?
No not at all. She is already going against that by disguising as men to help her husbands best friend.

Thursday 5 April 2018

Merchant of Venice Antonio is about to lose some flesh

Merchant of Venice Antonio is about to lose some flesh

Act 3 scene 2

1. Why does Portia want Bassanio to delay his choice?

She is afraid he will choose wrong meaning he will be forced to leave her due to a oath he had to take. She dosen't want to lose his company so wishes he will stay.

2. What makes Bassanio choose lead over the silver and gold caskets?, find the quotes in the text to support your thinking.

Gold looks perfect. But looks are decieving meaning the gold casket is decieving. Silver is to common so he dosen't choose silver but lead is humble. Not common nor decieving it would be the best choice.

3. What does Portia’s speech A3S2 L166-174 reveal about the expected roles of a woman in marriage.

They have no say in who they marry and are expected to do follow the man. Im not sure on this one.

4. What did Gratiano’s and Nerissa’s wish to marry depend on?

The lord and ladys approval, meaning she required Portia and whoever the lord was at the time. Luckily for them she approves

5. How does Portia know that the letter contains bad news?

Bassanios face pales and hi expression changes.

6. What help does Portia offer straightaway?

Quadrupole the money required

7. Why do we not expect this help to be successful?

Shylock is bent on revenge meaning any price given he is unlickley to accept

8. Do you think Portia would still be in love with Bassanio if she knew he had lied about his wealth?

Yes she even says she still loves him after he tells her. She is not intrested in wealth only personalitey.

Act 3 scene 3

1. Antonio is now convinced that he knows the reason for Shylock’s insistence on claiming his bond. What is it, use quote from the text to support your answer.

Antonio has insulted him so much to the point were money isn't worth it anymore in Shylocks eyes.

2. Why can the Duke not ‘deny the course of law’ according to Antonio?

Denying the law for one person will result in trade no longer being safe as the Duke could just randomly bend the law. Bonds wouldn't be used and the economy could fall in Venice.

3. What does Antonio seem resigned to his fate. What two important realisations is this based on? Use lines 8, 21-24, 26-31 to help you.

The duke cant bend the law to hel him without major impact to trade in Venice. If this impact happend the economy in Venice could fall resulting in a dark age for the city. Shylock is also bent on revenge nothing will change his mind it seems to Antonio atleast money wont.

4. Do you think Antonio’s feelings towards Bassanio have changed since the beginning, why?

Not much he still considers Bassanio his best friend witch is why he asked Bassanio to return, but he seems to not be to sure if Bassanio still considers him his best friend.

5. Shylock refuses to consider the idea of Mercy, but demands Justice. Consider the following ideas:
Is mercy the same as forgiveness? Mercy is not the same as forgiveness. A example of mercy is sparing someones life in a battle even if they have done something really wrong. That is not forgiving there actions that is just sparring their life.
Is it easier to show mercy or look for revenge? It depends on the situation in Shylocks case it is easier to look for revenge. Antonio has done alot to harm Shylock in Shylocks point of view so bloodlust would prevent him from seeing mercy
Is justice the same as fairness? It depends on how the law in the area defines justice. For example say someonee murderd 15 people and was jailed for a day that could be considerd justice by the law but that wouldnt be fair. But in another country that same person could be jailed for life and that would be considerd justice and fair.
Is true justice possible in this case? Antonio has brocken a bond he made and agreed to, this means this is possibly true justice as Antonio has wronged Shylock by breaking a bond.

Link to photo used

Word Vomit week 10 The Easter egg strikes

Here is this weeks word vomit the words we had to use this day were: Pillowcase, easter egg, a letter, two crocodiles and earplugs.

Two crocodiles in a giant pillow case stalking their easter egg, the hunt was almost over it was time to eat the egg. Slowly they crawled out of the pillowcase the easter egg was getting closer they were about to strike. One crocodile makes a slight noise and the egg jumps into action tackling the crocodile and making it eat some earplugs. "Your going back to the letter mister crocodile!" The crocodile was terrified this might be the end for him the letter was the ultimate punishment. The easter egg calls for backup as the crocodiles panic depratley trying to escape the easter egg, the letter was coming closer. "Timmy get up its time for school!" It was just Timmy dreaming about eating a easter egg.