
Tuesday 21 May 2019

Immigrating from Britain to New Zealand (story)

Immigrating from Britain to New Zealand

For Social Studies we have been looking at immigration. Specifically immigration from Britain to New Zealand. For part of our work, we have had to create a story of someone during these times immigrating to New Zealand. I personally wasn't too inspired with this story so it could have been much better but enjoy.

Journal Log 56, 20 weeks since I lost her

Once again I walk to this empty, tiny house, with just me left in it. I barely have any money to scrape by and at this rate, I’m going to die from working at that factory. It was fine when my family was still alive… but…. I need to start a new life but how to? I guess the only thing I can think of is to head to a new country. Spain? No. France? No. I don’t think I can go to any European country, they are all basically the same. Perhaps New Zealand. They advertise it as a fresh start and from what I’ve heard from the posters and photos… Yes, New Zealand sounds perfect. You can live your own free life, plenty of food and many safe jobs, it’s perfect. I can take a loan from someone and then board the ship and escape this cursed country. A new life… I wonder how it would go.
1 week later
“500, that’s my final offer.” “Fine 500 it is.” I shake hands with the loaner as he hands over the $500. He expects me to give him $2000 overtime by the end of this year, yet unknown to him is that I don’t plan to return. With this money, I can get into the rich section of the boat and have a pleasant trip to NZ. Do I feel bad? No. “If you don’t bring this money back you know the consequences!” His warning suddenly jolts me back to reality as his dark green eyes seem like they peer into my soul. No one has ever crossed these people before…. Well someone might off but now they would be in prison. The police aren’t exactly the most uncorrupt people.

“%^#&!” It’s almost time for the boat to leave. If I don’t get to it now………. I sprint out of the building but all I see is tons of traffic. There's not enough time to drive in this traffic so I sprint to the harbour desperately trying to reach the boat before it leaves. After 10 minutes of running, I see it, it’s like seeing heaven. “Leaving in 1 minute get your tickets and get onboard now!” I start sprinting but he seems to not notice me. He begins to pull the plank connecting the ship to the harbour. “Wait, please!” He turns around to notice me.

Part 2 the trip

It’s been 1 week since that exhilarating day and…. I must say it’s great here. My life is so much better on this boat, no job and no terrible household. The food is great, yesterday I got to try some seasoned lamb for the first time in my life. The constant rocking is a bit of a downside but thanks heavens I’m not in steerage. The conditions down there are dreadful. But it would be worth it. We are getting a new life soon, a new start, I can only imagine.

It’s now been about 2 months in. I’m dreadfully thirsty as much of our water has gone stale, the crew hurriedly attempt to boil the seawater to make it drinkable but I fear the worst. Being in first class as given me almost top priority but still seeing the horrors of people thrown overbored because of sickness or that water. It’s ironic how we are surrounded by water yet our most scarce resource is water. But I’m hopeful like always, we are almost there and the crew is stabilizing the conditions onboard.
Part 3

These violent storms shake me to the bones, I thought New Zealand would be a land of beauty yet all I see are rocks and storms. *Apparently we have been blown off course. The ships wood groans under pressure as it hits a rock*. What the hell was that? “Get out, go go go!” “What the hell are those? Open fire!” I hear the sound of muskets firing as people run off the deck either jumping onto land and running or desperately swimming away. I have to get out of here now! I open the door but all I see is bloodstained wood with some… brown coloured men? I’ve heard of these people called the Maori, but it was said they were in a way tame from their previous savage life by the British, yet here I stand with the Maori and British going after each other's throats. The captain of the ship scrambles up onto the deck desperately trying to hold off the advancing attack, yet to no avail as a spear strikes him in the thigh. Several people are being dragged away screaming I attempt to jump down but only get caught in a net used for fishing. Is this really how I go out?

I look up to see the last defender get thrown off the deck with a spear in his chest. The Maori warrior then eyes down me looking to see if I am alive when he realizes that I am he cuts the net and jumps down only to drag me away. I guess I did get a new life, instead of a poor factory worker I am now a Maori sacrifice. At least that seems like the type of thing they would do.

While many settlers did get to their destination (cities) there where quite a few cases of shipwrecks and Maori attacks. This unlucky ship suffered the same fate.

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