
Thursday 31 May 2018

Communism and Socialism

Communism and Socialism
Communism was the major ideology of the soviet union during the 2nd world war and before. Communism centres around the community owning all property and each person receiving according to there ability and what they need. No more no less. Communism was founded by Karl Marx and Freidrich Engels, and in the 19th century, it became the dominant ideology of Asian countries including China. It would then reach Russia and become the Russian ideology as well as several southern African countries. Its main goal was to put the community above all else.

Communism rapidly spread to other countries, in Germany after the first world war the new government was failing so everyone was going to the political extremes this resulted in two groups rising to the top. The Nazi party and the communist supporters. Communists would fight on the streets and attempt to do all they can to make people join them. Even in the cold war, there was a massive battle between countries to not get taken over in a way from communism, in Honduras an American country a dictator overthrew the government to stop communism spreading to them. 


Socialism is an ideology where everyone has the mean of production however it doesn't go as far as communism does they are more accepting of other people's ideas. Workers receive payment based on their contribution unlike communism were they get a payment based on their needs. For example in Socialist country, if someone worked for 8 hours they would get paid more than if they were to work for 4 hours. However, in a communist country, someone could work 8 hours but still get paid the same if they worked 4 hours. However, in a socialist country, some money would be deducted and given to the government for them to use on things like health care, education things like that for the betterment of the country.

Wonder can do task: Some interesting words so far

Some interesting words so far
In the book Wonder, we have already encountered several words that other people in the class don't know about such as "Contagious". For this can do cast I will talk about some of these words and explain the meaning of them. 

Contagious: In the book, Contagious is used when August talks about how everyone ignores him he states they act like he has a contagious disease. Contagious normally relates to a disease which can spread between life forms if close to each other, touching each other or even letting air they breathed into someone's airways. For example, the black death was contagious as it could spread from one human to another through multiple ways.

Exception: Exception is when something is allowed that would normally not be however sometimes it is used for things a bit different but along the same lines. Here is an example of it "Everyone in the class had to finish their project by the 12 of June. Except for *name* he has been away for a couple of days."

Recital: A recital is like a performance of some sort at a place. An example of this would be "the group *group name* did their first ever recital at the Christchurch library." This would normally be used for a band performing at a place or just a person performing a play or a show somewhere.

Aversion: Aversion is something you really dislike, not to the point were you despise it but to the point where you really really dislike it (basically hate it). An example of this would be "Gregey Gregerson had an aversion to a dog." That would mean this Gregey person would try to avoid dogs if he ever came near one.

Mortality: Mortality is when someone is sent to death like an execution. It can also be used for a massive amount of death around the same time. An example of the second one is "There is a high mortality rate of children when they are born."

Wonder Can do task: The disability August has

Treacher Collins syndrome
In Wonder, the novel we are currently reading the main character August has a disability called Treacher Collins syndrome. This disability affects the growth of bones and tissue in a person's face causing it to deform. This can result in a very unusual face shape and appearance. Most people have a very small jaw or chin, some people are born with a roof in their mouth making it even harder to eat than it already was. This disability can also affect your airways preventing you from properly breathing potentially causing you to be in a life-threatening situation. The ears are also affected causing them to be extremely small or forming in, hearing loss often occurs when the three bones in your ear are affected by the disability. However, this disability doesn't affect the intelligence of the person.

How do you get it?
If you have 1 affected gene it doesn't affect you however if both of your parents have a cell infected and give birth to a child that child is likely to have Treacher Collins syndrome. The two infected cells from your parents will combine and mutate some cells in your body causing all the effects above. Most people that have the 1 cell in them with this are not affected at all by it, it's only when two cells combine and affect a child being made. Because of how you get it the chances of you being born with the mutated cell is quite rare seeing as it only happens in 1 out of 50,000 people.

How does it do these things to you?
Certain genes in your body are infected these genes are important in the development of your facial bones like your cheekbones. The genes it infects would normally give protein and help these bones grow but when this gene is mutated it no longer provides the bones and tissue that help to result in the facial bones weakening and not growing properly. It is unclear to medical researchers why it only affects the facial bones and not anything else.

Wednesday 30 May 2018

Novel Study Wonder: The beginning of school

The Beginning of school
Star Wars is one of Auggie’s passions. Why do you think this is? Do you see any reasons for Auggie to identify with these characters, or to aspire to be like them?

Star wars is like another universe for Auggie to run away to. It's a place he can think about where he doesn't have to deal with his face. Its also a cool thing star wars is entertainment and many kids, not just him wish they were some character in the star wars universe just because they are cool in their opinion.

    What questions did Julian ask August and why did August want to slide under the desk? Explain why Julian asked those questions?

    He began questioning August about star war and what he liked about it, what was his favourite character things like that. August was up in front of the whole class and being questioned this made him scared as this would be one of his first times ever doing something like that. Resulting in him wanting to slide under the desk.

      Mr Browne’s September Precept was 'When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind'. Do you agree with this precept? Explain.

      About 90% to 99% of the time this will be best but in certain situations, it is better to be right than kind. Serious cases say your friend committed a crime sure being kind might mean you don't tell the police about what he did but is that the right thing to do? No.

        In the chapter One to Ten, August is feeling mad with his mother but he's not sure why. Explain why you think he was mad?

        It could be because he is stressed out about school and is conflicted with his opinion if he likes it or not because of this feeling he gets frustrated with other people talking to him. It's something that simply happens to people in the real world he's having a mixed day and is really conflicted about an important thing in his life.

          August invited his whole class to his birthday party but not many kids came. Why do you think they didn't go?

          He is treated like the plague in a way as he has a physical disability people will act like its contagious. If no one else wants to be his friend or go with him they don't want to be the odd one out and teased about it. There are most likely people that feel bad for him and some that would go but they believe it would be too awkward, no one else would go and that they would be outcasted as well.

            August says he has an 'Aversion' to getting his picture taken. What is an aversion? Why does Auggie have an aversion to having his picture taken?

            An aversion is something you would despise going near, something you will try to avoid no matter what. For example, my friend could have an aversion to school for some reason making him despise ever going there and all ways avoiding it.

              Why does no one want to touch August? How do you think this makes him feel?

              It's simply humans turning into teenagers resulting in them acting like that. The "popular" kids would probably make fun of Auggie since that's what a lot of people like that do. Then because of that others will follow on, no one will want to be outcasted by hanging with Auggie. Also, he simply looks out of the ordinary, weird to them.

                Did your opinion of Jack Will change after August overheard him talking to Julian? Explain.

                Yes, it does you believe Jack is a really good person at first but this conversation Auggie overhears makes it seem like Jack is another one of those kids not wanting to be unpopular or outcasted by hanging with Auggie.

                  Do you think August will go back to school? Predict what will happen next?

                  Yes, he may be conflicted but the possibilities so far are really good for Auggie he needs friends in his life and needs to be able to socialize and be smarter than he already is. He needs to learn how to deal with these not so nice (to put it in a nice way) kids. Without school, he would never do as well in life as he could and I believe he is smart enough to realize this.

                  Thursday 24 May 2018

                  Novel Study: Wonder the begining

                  Wonder The Begining

                  We have now finished the Merchant of Venice and are now beginning our first ever novel study, Wonder. Wonder is about a boy named August starting 5th grade he has a condition that makes him look different to other people. Here are the first questions we have on page 11-43.


                  What was August's one wish that he wanted? If you could change one thing about your appearance what would it be?

                  His one wish was to not have this illness that affects the appearance he wants to have a normal life without all the looks from people. If I could change anything about my appearance is nothing really, I believe I look fine not so good that I get unwanted attention and stares, and not to bad that I get a lot of stares.

                  What do you think it means to be ordinary? What makes August extraordinary?

                  Ordinary depends on the community you are in for example different cultures and religions have different perspectives on ordinary. Some communities will view certain hobbies as ordinary others will not. Ordinary can also be what you look like. In this case, he is viewed as extraordinary because of his facial feature and the rare situation he is in. The fact that he has survived then he was thought to not survive also makes him extraordinary.

                  How do people react when they see Auggie's face for the first time? How would you react?

                  Many people would look down or away or look somewhere near him and give him a fake smile. Some people would do it on accident some on purpose after a bit they would begin to look at him through the corner of their eye since they would be intrigued about this person. If I ever met him I would be shocked at first a bit but then be as friendly as I could and would try to not look away or look at him through the corner of my eye like so many others do in this book.

                  August's dad said, "So sending him off to middle school like a lamb to the slaughter...." What does this mean? Explain.

                  A lamb to the slaughter is a term used for something that is almost guaranteed to end really badly. He uses this since August has never gone to school before and because of his condition, it could go badly so his dad says that sending him to school is like a lamb to the slaughter.

                  Would you send August to school if you were his mom or dad? Explain why or why not.

                  Yes, I would send him to school at first and let him try it out if it goes really badly I will take him out and do my best to help him otherwise I would send him there. It's better if August goes to school to give him the chance of an easier life and a chance to have new friends, without sending him to school he might never get that chance again.

                  What white lie did August's mum tell? Why did she do it? Are white lies ok to tell?

                  A person came around and asked him some questions about stuff his mum said this was an IQ test but in reality, it was a school entry test. White lies like this are normally fine as long as you don't do them all the time. In this case, it was fine as August would have never tried the test if he knew what it actually was.

                  Auggie decided he liked Mrs Garcia ‐ when she wasn’t wearing her shiny smile. What is a 'shiny smile'?

                  A shiny smile is a forced smile that looks different than your normal smile most of the time. In this case, she uses it to not look rude towards August.

                  How does Auggie know the first time he meets Julian that he will be a bully? What are some of the ways that Julian bullies Auggie? How does Auggie respond?

                  Julian says stuff like "he probably doesn't know what a rubber is" stuff like that might not seem like bullying but he says it as if August has special needs or something like that preventing him from knowing what a rubber is. He also states that the science elective is the hardest elective so August probably won't make it in because he was homeschooled. Later on, August gets a bit of revenge by correcting him the reason this annoys Julian a lot. This is because he believes himself to be really smart and being corrected by a person with "special needs" is humiliating.

                  Our final task was to create a person like August using this site here is mine

                  Tuesday 22 May 2018

                  The Merchant of The court room

                  The Merchant of Venice The Court Room

                  Act 3 scene 5

                  In Act 4 scene 1 and Act 4 scene 2 we see some of the most important bits in this book, the courtroom. Here Portia disguised

                  In his jokey conversation with Jessica, why is Launcelot against the conversion of Jews to Christianity?

                  Jews are against eating pork but Christians are not. He loves pork so he thinks that if there are more Christians the prices of pork will go up.

                  What is Jessica’s opinion of Portia?

                  Jessica definitely seems to respect her a lot from their brief conversations so far.

                  Act 4 scene 1

                  What does the Duke believe Shylock intends to do?

                  In the Duke's eyes, Shylock is evil, he shows no mercy so the Duke believes he will kill Antonio when taking the pound of flesh.

                  What does Shylock intend to do, and what reasons does he give for his decision?

                  He intends to not show mercy and to take his pound of flesh from Antonio's body even if it kills him. He believes nothing can convince him to stop.

                  Why must the law be allowed to stand (why can’t the judge dismiss this case)

                  Because if he dismisses this case it sets an example to everyone else. Everyone will not worry about contracts since they won't get affected if they don't give the money back since the law can be bent by the duke. This could fracture the economy in Venice which would result in an economic crisis this would be bad for a money dependant state/country.

                  Shylock is very clear about the restrictions in the wording of the deed, how does Portia use these loopholes?

                  The bond only says a pound of flesh nothing else no less no more. If it wasn't for this bond taking Antonio's flesh would be illegal so going outside of the bond is illegal wich making blood spill, taking a tiny bit more or less or killing him is outside of the bond agreement. This is the loophole he used at first but then was used against him.

                  What penalties does Shylock now have to pay? Are they fair? Why/why not.

                  He has to give a lot of his money to Antonio and the Duke. He also must convert to Christianity and write in his will that all of his money will go to his daughter are her new husband, Lorenzo. It is sort of fair he did basically attempt to murder Antonio, but being forced to change his religion is a bit harsh.

                  How do Lorenzo and Jessica gain by the result?

                  Shylock has to give them all of his money when he dies.

                  What reward has Portia claimed and why is this significant?

                  She claimed the ring of Bassanio while disguised as a guy even though he claimed that it would go with him to the grave and that he would never take it off.

                  Portia tells Shylock ‘The quality of mercy is not strained’. How does she try to persuade Shylock to show mercy, how much mercy is she willing to show him (line 345-362)

                  He refuses to show mercy before and even says that he will not get a doctor to stop Antonio bleeding since that is not in the contract. Because of this Portia shows no mercy even when asked to she refuses to show mercy.

                  A4S1 L 70-80. Antonio gives us three short images of how useless any attempt by Bassanio to save his life will be
                  What are they?

                  You may as well tell the ocean to lower

                  You may as well tell the wolf to not eat the lamb

                  You may as well tell the pine trees to stop growing tall on the mountains and making noise when the wind blows

                  What do they tell us about one of Shakespeare's interests?

                  They tell us that he is interested in the Christian Bible

                  Do you think this is an effective way of demonstrating the

                  Yes, it does explain his situation perfectly. Trying to convince Shylock is like trying to do one of those.

                  Each example is an extreme and impossible, what influence does this have on how you expect the rest of the scene to develop.

                  This makes people suspect Antonio will lose a pound of flesh since it would seem impossible to convince him to show mercy.

                  A4S1 L90-100, Shylock uses vivid comparisons when he wants to make a point.

                  What example does he use to illustrate the fact that the pound of flesh is his: ‘tis mine and I will have it’
                  It is much longer comparison than the three used by Antonio but do you think it is more striking/effective/convincing?

                  Act 4 scene 2

                  What invitation does
                  Portia refuse and why?

                  She refuses an invitation to dinner with Bassanio and his friends since she needs to get back and if she went to the dinner she might be discovered.

                  What does Nerissa plan to get, why do you think this is important?

                  She plans to get the ring she gave to Gratiano that he said he would never take off his finger and would take to the grave. Doing exactly what Portia did.

                  Do you admire Portia after these scenes, or do you find her actions
                  cruel? Use examples to support your thinking.

                  Not completely I admire the judge bit but not the convincing Bassanio to give her the ring. That was a bit messed up since it would be incredibly hard in that situation.

                  The Football War

                  The Football War

                  El Salvador and Honduras are 2 countries in America near Mexico Honduras size were massive compared to El Salvador, however, El Salvador was much more populated mostly by farmers. A lot of these farmers immigrated to Honduras. One thing they have in common is that they both were fanatic about football. It's 1933 and Oswaldo Lopez Arellano staged a military coup to stop the rise of communism he later held an election and one after rigging it to make him the legitimate president of the country. The other party stated he had rigged the election and after some of his actions, their economy was destroyed so like many other dictators he blamed something for there problems. He blamed the El Salvador immigrants causing the Hondurans to attack the El Salvadorians causing some of them to flee the land they had lived in for a long time. Tensions were high at this point but then football happened and they both had to vs each other in 3 matches.

                  The first game was in Honduras the Hondurans made sure to make a lot of noise outside the El Salvadorians hotel causing them to have a sleepless night. Because of this, they lost with a 0-1 game. The next game was in El Salvador and this time the Hondurans had a sleepless night. When the game began instead of the Honduran flag they raised a dirty rag. El Salvador won with a 0-3 game. Many people were fighting in the stands and the Hondourans left in a bulletproof van with the coach saying it was good they lost while rocks were thrown at them. Because of this, the Hondurans began to attack the El Salvadorians, even more, some people burned down their houses and threw them off their land. The last game was in Mexico and it was close but El Salvador just won a 3-2 game, a massive fight ensued with both citizens fighting each other. The attacks got worse on the El Salvadorians with a refugee crisis on their hand and their people under attack they declared war on Honduras.

                  Day 1
                  El Salvador began with air raids over key Honduras air fields resulting in the destruction of many of the Honduras air force and preventing them from getting into the air. The El Salvadorians then began a land campaign through two major roads connecting the two countries complete with light infantry and tanks.

                  Day 2
                  El Salvador made rapid progress towards the capital because of this the organization of American states met in a panic about the current war. They agreed that the war was bad and it should be stopped. They then asked El Salvador to stop the war but they refused as the war was still in there favour. The bombing of Honduras still continued and they barely had gotten any of there air force in the air because of the bombings.

                  Day 3
                  Honduras was given supply from the neighbouring country Nicaragua and with this help, they managed to get their air force into the air and then bombed many coastal facilities in El Salvador a lot of smoke was seen. This stopped the Salvadorian advance completely just before reaching the capital.

                  Day 4
                  The war was no longer in El Salvador's favour so when the organisation of American states met with El Salvador again they agreed to peace. They were then asked to no longer occupy captured bits of Honduras they continually refused until the Organisation threatened to sanction them. They then accepted with the guaranteed safety of there people. The war left both countries in economic ruin and no one gained anything from it. The massive amount of El Salvadorians resulted in a civil war leaving El Salvador in ruin. Much of Honduras infrastructure was also damaged resulting in there economic crisis developing even more. In the end, El Salvador lost all of their football games so no one gained a single thing.

                  Thursday 17 May 2018

                  Particle Theory of Matter - Conduction

                  Particle Theory of Matter - Conduction
                  Image result for Particle theory of matter conduction
                  To observe conduction along a metal rod

                  A metal rod

                  Retort stand


                  Bunsen Burner

                  Petroleum Jelly

                  5-10 Drawing pins

                  A stopwatch.


                  1. Set up and light a Bunsen burner

                  2. Smear a small amount of petroleum jelly on to the head of each drawing pin

                  3. Attach the drawing pins at even intervals along the length of the metal rod.

                  4. Clamp one end of the metal rod to a retort stand.

                  5. Position the retort stand so the unclamped end of the metal rod is in the Bunsen flame and start the stopwatch

                  6. Record the time it takes for each pin to drop in the table below.

                  Pin 1 48 secs
                  2 -  1:46
                  3 - 2:48
                  P4 - 5:15
                  P 5 - (We used a bit too much Petroleum Jelly so we had to push it off. :l 21 29

                  After we lit the bunsen burner the first pin fell in 48 seconds which was pretty quick the next one was almost a minute later. 1 minute later the next pin fell and then the next one after about 2 minutes. However, we used to much Jelly on the 5th one so it never fell off even after 21 minutes.

                  The heat from the Bunsen burner would have traveled through the metal as that is what happens to certain metals. Because of this, the metal getting hot and that made the jelly melt causing the pin to fall. It, however, takes time for the heat to get to the end which is why the back pins take the longest.

                  Observing Convection 2

                  Observing Convection ||

                  Aim: To observe convection in a gas.

                  Equipment: Scissors, paper spiral pattern, string, source of heat (boiling water, radiator, etc)

                  1. Cut out the spiral pattern below, carefully following the dashed line.
                  2. Tie a length of cotton through the hole on the top of the spiral.
                  3. Hold the spiral 30-40 cm above a heat source such as a radiator
                  4. Observe.

                  After a few seconds it began to spin around as long as you kept it still moving it to much would cause it to stop spinning.

                  The air above the Bunsen burner will heat up and spread out causing the air to get less dense and rises causing the spiral to turn.

                  Behaviour of Matter - Contraction The imploding can

                  The Imploding Can 

                  Aim: To observe contraction in gases.

                  Equipment: Aluminium Can, Scissor Tongs, Bunsen Burner, Heatproof Mat, Tripod, Gauze Mat & and open Container of Water.

                  1. Set up the bunsen burner underneath a tripod and gauze mat.

                  2. Pour Approximately 50-60mL of water into your can.

                  3. Heat the can of water until you see steam is escaping from the top.
                  Carefully grip the can with scissor tongs. Ensure you have a firm hold of the can before lifting it off
                  the gauze mat.

                  4. Quickly, but carefully, invert the can as you plunge it into a container of water.

                  We didn't put it into the water fat enough causing it not to work but what was supposed to happen if we did it right was that the cans sides would cave in on itself.

                  When particles are heated they begin to move faster eventually the Bunsen burner made the gas inside the can go a lot faster. Causing it to steam then when we put the top into the cold water the water cooled the can making the gas go closer together causing the can to implode.

                  The Behaviour of Matter - Diffusion

                  The Behavior of Matter - Diffusion

                  Aim: To observe diffusion in a liquid.

                  Equipment: Petri dish, Water, Tweezers, A crystal of potassium permanganate.

                  1. Half fill your petri dish on your workbench and allow the water to become settled. 

                  2.Place the Petri dish on your workbench and allow the water to become settled.

                  3. Using the tweezers, place a single crystal of potassium permanganate in the center of the petri dish.

                  4. Observe 4 minutes

                  5. Repeat the experiment using hot water.  

                  We had 4 minutes to see if the potassium spread faster and wider in cold water or hot water it turned out that the cold water caused to to go slower.

                  When a particle is cooled it will go slower rather that if it was heated up this is why the warm water potassium spread faster than the cold water one. 

                  Investigating State Changes - Matter

                  Investigating State Changes - Matter
                  Aim: To observe water as it changes state from solid to liquid and then to a gas.

                  Equipment: A 250 mL beaker, thermometer, Bunsen burner, heatproof mat, tripod and gauze mat, stopwatch, retort stand and clamp, ice cubes.


                  1. Collect enough ice so that your beaker is half full and place the thermometer into it while you set up the rest of the equipment
                  2. Set up retort stand and clamp alongside the tripod and gauze mat.
                  3. Place the beaker of ice on the gauze mat and gently clamp the thermometer so that it is held upright and the scale is easy to see. The bottom of your thermometer should be low enough to still be covered by water when the ice melts. but not touching the bottom of the beaker.
                  4. Record the initial temperature of the ice in the data table below
                  5. Light the Bunsen burner and start timing with the stopwatch
                  6. Measure and record the temperature every mite
                  7. Continue measuring and recording the temperature until the water has been boiling for 2-3 minutes.


                  The water began boiling at 80 and the ice completely melted 3-5 minutes. We stopped at 8 minutes when we got up to 100 c. Most of the ice melted fast but then didn't completely melt for about a minute. This was an interesting experiment, the heat would have made the particles in the solid ice move turning it into a liquid. If you didn't know that's how a solid turns into liquid-solid particles don't move but when a particle is heated it moves faster. 

                  Monday 7 May 2018

                  Particle Theory of Matter - Convection

                  Particle Theory of Matter - Convection

                  Aim: To observe convection in a liquid

                  Equipment: 200 mL beaker water, tweezers, a crystal of potassium permanganate, a drinking straw, Bunsen burner heat mat, tripod and gauze mat.

                  1. Set up a Bunsen burner on a heatproof mat. Put the gauze mat on the tripod but leave it just to one side of the Bunsen burner.

                  2. Fill a 200 mL beaker with 150mL cold water.

                  3. Place the beaker on top of the tripod and gauze and allow it to settle for a few minutes.

                  4. Carefully insert a drinking straw down one side of the beaker, ensuring the straw is touching the bottom of the beaker. Be careful as you do not want to disturb the water too much.

                  5. Using tweezers, drop a crystal of potassium permanganate down the inside of the straw. Wait for the crystal to settle on the bottom of the beaker.

                  6. very gently, so to not disturb the water, remove the straw.

                  7. Light the Bunsen and slide it under the tripod so that you are only heating the outside of the beaker where the crystal is. Observe.

                  After the straw was removed the potassium began to rise to the top once it rose to the top it began to spread all over the liquid. Because of this, the once clear liquid began converting to this purple colour. In not much time the whole liquid was purple.

                  As particles begin to heat up they began to move faster according to my teacher "we basically set their bums on fire so they start to run away." The opposite happens if they get colder which is how ice is made since a solid only vibrates. With this in mind, the reason why the purple began to spread was because the liquid heated up causing the potassium particles to begin moving out like a liquid does.

                  Potato - Sam 2018