
Thursday 31 May 2018

Communism and Socialism

Communism and Socialism
Communism was the major ideology of the soviet union during the 2nd world war and before. Communism centres around the community owning all property and each person receiving according to there ability and what they need. No more no less. Communism was founded by Karl Marx and Freidrich Engels, and in the 19th century, it became the dominant ideology of Asian countries including China. It would then reach Russia and become the Russian ideology as well as several southern African countries. Its main goal was to put the community above all else.

Communism rapidly spread to other countries, in Germany after the first world war the new government was failing so everyone was going to the political extremes this resulted in two groups rising to the top. The Nazi party and the communist supporters. Communists would fight on the streets and attempt to do all they can to make people join them. Even in the cold war, there was a massive battle between countries to not get taken over in a way from communism, in Honduras an American country a dictator overthrew the government to stop communism spreading to them. 


Socialism is an ideology where everyone has the mean of production however it doesn't go as far as communism does they are more accepting of other people's ideas. Workers receive payment based on their contribution unlike communism were they get a payment based on their needs. For example in Socialist country, if someone worked for 8 hours they would get paid more than if they were to work for 4 hours. However, in a communist country, someone could work 8 hours but still get paid the same if they worked 4 hours. However, in a socialist country, some money would be deducted and given to the government for them to use on things like health care, education things like that for the betterment of the country.

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