
Wednesday 30 May 2018

Novel Study Wonder: The beginning of school

The Beginning of school
Star Wars is one of Auggie’s passions. Why do you think this is? Do you see any reasons for Auggie to identify with these characters, or to aspire to be like them?

Star wars is like another universe for Auggie to run away to. It's a place he can think about where he doesn't have to deal with his face. Its also a cool thing star wars is entertainment and many kids, not just him wish they were some character in the star wars universe just because they are cool in their opinion.

    What questions did Julian ask August and why did August want to slide under the desk? Explain why Julian asked those questions?

    He began questioning August about star war and what he liked about it, what was his favourite character things like that. August was up in front of the whole class and being questioned this made him scared as this would be one of his first times ever doing something like that. Resulting in him wanting to slide under the desk.

      Mr Browne’s September Precept was 'When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind'. Do you agree with this precept? Explain.

      About 90% to 99% of the time this will be best but in certain situations, it is better to be right than kind. Serious cases say your friend committed a crime sure being kind might mean you don't tell the police about what he did but is that the right thing to do? No.

        In the chapter One to Ten, August is feeling mad with his mother but he's not sure why. Explain why you think he was mad?

        It could be because he is stressed out about school and is conflicted with his opinion if he likes it or not because of this feeling he gets frustrated with other people talking to him. It's something that simply happens to people in the real world he's having a mixed day and is really conflicted about an important thing in his life.

          August invited his whole class to his birthday party but not many kids came. Why do you think they didn't go?

          He is treated like the plague in a way as he has a physical disability people will act like its contagious. If no one else wants to be his friend or go with him they don't want to be the odd one out and teased about it. There are most likely people that feel bad for him and some that would go but they believe it would be too awkward, no one else would go and that they would be outcasted as well.

            August says he has an 'Aversion' to getting his picture taken. What is an aversion? Why does Auggie have an aversion to having his picture taken?

            An aversion is something you would despise going near, something you will try to avoid no matter what. For example, my friend could have an aversion to school for some reason making him despise ever going there and all ways avoiding it.

              Why does no one want to touch August? How do you think this makes him feel?

              It's simply humans turning into teenagers resulting in them acting like that. The "popular" kids would probably make fun of Auggie since that's what a lot of people like that do. Then because of that others will follow on, no one will want to be outcasted by hanging with Auggie. Also, he simply looks out of the ordinary, weird to them.

                Did your opinion of Jack Will change after August overheard him talking to Julian? Explain.

                Yes, it does you believe Jack is a really good person at first but this conversation Auggie overhears makes it seem like Jack is another one of those kids not wanting to be unpopular or outcasted by hanging with Auggie.

                  Do you think August will go back to school? Predict what will happen next?

                  Yes, he may be conflicted but the possibilities so far are really good for Auggie he needs friends in his life and needs to be able to socialize and be smarter than he already is. He needs to learn how to deal with these not so nice (to put it in a nice way) kids. Without school, he would never do as well in life as he could and I believe he is smart enough to realize this.

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