
Wednesday 27 June 2018

Wonder: Miranda's Redemption

Miranda's Redemption

Explain why August doesn't like school events that include parents?

Parents will begin to judge him and that just gets on his nerve occasionally when it happens. He would rather avoid that happening as much as he can.

Maya left August a nice little note and August said, "Six months ago stuff like that would have never have happened, but now it happens more and more." Explain the change that is occurring?

After a while, people just got used to his face and with the whole Julian thing they started to feel bad for him.

Describe August's feeling about getting hearing aids. Were they justified?

He thought it would make him look even stupider which he really didn't want to happen since people were just getting used to him. I can see why he would be worried about it but in the end, they didn't look that bad.

Why did Via keep her part in the play a secret from her parents?

She didn't really want her parents to go so that way August wouldn't come. She didn't want the reputation of being the girl with a deformed brother. It's understandable though.

Why did Via's mum say the play wasn't something that August would be interested in?

She understood why Via would not want him to go so she tried to help her out with that by lying.

August says, "I think there should be a rule that everyone in the world should get a standing ovation at least once in their lives.” Explain what this means and why he believes it.

Standing ovations give the person getting one great pride and happiness it makes them very proud of themselves and happy with themselves. He believes this because he thinks people should be congratulated like that sometime in their life because of how great it makes them feel.

What effect did Daisy's’ death have on the characters?

Many of the family cried over her death as the dog made them all happy. Now with her death, there will likely be a void that could only be filled with another animal as loveable as Daisy.

Why did Miranda claim ‘sickness’ before the play?

She felt bad for Via and seeing that the whole family was there she wanted to let Via have the main row and make her parents proud.

After reading Miranda's, how did your perception of her change and why?

You see her side and why she was acting how she did. You see that Via overreacted a bit and that she really is still a pretty good person.

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