
Friday, 22 February 2019

Ethics of cloning and some of my personal views on it

Ethics Of Cloning

Cloning is when you create an exact copy of an organism using some of the DNA of the cloned organism. However, there are many conflicts with Religious, Cultural and Philosophical beliefs. In this blog post, I will show you many of the conflicts with these ethics as well as give my own personal belief on cloning.

My Personal Beliefs

I believe making the clone a non-sentient organism that is more like an unfeeling robot rather than a real naturally created organism is fine. Making cloned sheep or other animals to feed Humanity is generally ok to me as long as they are unfeeling and basically like robots with natural body parts. Making clones for wars is alright as well in my opinion as long as they don't develop sentience and a personality. Creating a life form that feels and is like a Human and sending it into a bloody war to die is just like enlisting a young 18 year old to fight in a war that they will most likely die in. If they were unfeeling and robot-like, then yes I am fine with that, they have no life and have no feelings of what they are doing. Cloning could also be used in this way to help with lack of Humans in a certain area of job and Cloning could even save humanity if somehow one-day humanity is at the point of extinction. Another thing is that cloned food products are less likely to be disease-ridden and infect Humans that digest it, unlike naturally made animals. Clones, in my opinion, are fine and good but I do draw the line in many cases if they become sentient.

Religious Ethics

Catholics: Catholics have a sort of situational view on cloning. Based on their religious beliefs of the beginning of a person's life they believe that cloning a Human just to exploit it is a massive sin to god. For example, creating a Human clone and sending it to its death is a sin. However many of them do believe that it could be good in Jesus's eyes and help cure the sick and heal the blinded as well as many other issues Humans may face involving infection and disease.

Jewish: Ever since the first clone Jew's have debated on what their stance on Cloning is. This is because nothing about cloning is really mentioned in their religion so many different views have arisen and there is no definitive stance on cloning in their religion

Islam: Islam has no definitive stance from their beliefs so just like with Judaism they have many different opinions. However, quite a few Muslim scholars have realized the benefits if used in the "right" way (right as in their views of the right way). A massive contribution to this as that they believe the soul does not exist until a later stage of conception.

Christian: Most Christians are against the main type of cloning but are a bit more light-hearted towards cloning targeted towards our health. A major part of this is because they are worried about Humans playing god. In their eyes creating our own lives might be messing with gods views and they fear of overstepping the boundaries of the natural order.

For most religions, it comes down to where they consider life to start and if they believe a God plays a part in creating a new life. Every religion's stance on cloning is mostly based on past texts in their version of the bible or other historical sayings/texts for religious followers. This creates an issue for quite a few religions like Judaism where they can't really find a good or bad perspective on cloning based on their religious texts.


Philosophical ethics: Cloning ethics is a major debate among philosophers and just controversial in general. Many science groups, governments and especially religion is against reproductional cloning as of now. A science group even put forward that we should cease any reproductional cloning until evidence of it being completely safe is discovered otherwise until then they believe we should not use reproduction cloning. Some believe that reproductive cloning is contrary to Human Dignity. Some also speculate on how problems could arise with clones such as a female donor would be more like a twin instead of a mother of their clone "child".

How cloning works

Cloning is a more recent science first done in 1997 but how is it done? Well, first of all, you need a skin cell and a female donor. A skin cell contains 46 chromosomes of the person you are trying to clone. This is needed because chromosomes are like a genetic code that is always different from other chromosomes in other peoples bodies. This is why we look different, we have different chromosomes. You also need a non fertilized egg cell which would have 23 chromosomes. Then you would remove the nucleus from the egg since that contains the chromosomes and you can't really have two nuclei in the same egg. Next, this is repeated with the other person's skin cell however there nucleus is then put into the female egg since that is the reproduction cell used by humans and most mammals. Now the egg has the "data" it needs to create the person you are trying to clone and after around 9 months poof you have a lil baby clone. The reason why the birthing of clones is also a problem to some religions is that they believe the soul enters at a certain age, Christians, for example, believe it comes at the start of conception.

What would happen if we started cloning random things and what are the precautions we should take?

So what would happen if you did? Well, first of all, there are precautions you must take. Why? Well because there is a risk of cloning something that had a disease or the meat inside a cloned animal has the potential to suffer unique infections. There could be hidden infections that affect this created meat and many other possibilities. This is a major problem for many people with their view on cloning, how do we stop a worldwide issue happening? Scientists have already examined some cloned meat and believe it is safe for consumption but what about what we don't know? This is the question that bothers so many people. So what can we do to stop that? Scientists could test the meat in certain environments and around certain infections to figure out if it does get unusual effects that normal meat would not. If not brilliant we mostly fixed that issue.

However, if it does scientists will need to contain it and then test how to remove it and stop it from infecting the food in the first place. This is a process used to help fix that situation that could be used over and over again. However, now let's move onto what would happen if it becomes a majorly used thing. Religious groups such as Christians will voice their concern and most likely have a new tradition of trying to eat only properly made food, they would most likely not accept cloned people into their religion viewing them as having no soul and unethical. Meanwhile, dozens of donors would be cloned to create a new army once this is done millions of people will be jobless as cloned people would replace them in the army creating poverty.

The food market will have a strange situation where they have an unlimited supply of meat and other food products, this could very possibly damage the food economy if not properly managed. Many Humans will naturally turn against cloned people and turn against them viewing them as inhuman. However benefits will arise, countries will have the people they need for jobs and even better they don't have to pay for them, medical science will greatly raise and third world countries will have the manpower and supply to progress much faster. However, if control is not kept on cloning massive problems will occur. All the jobs could be filled with clones leaving basically everyone poor since they have no job causing the job owners to get poor since they can't charge people much money since these people are... guess what? Poor this, in turn, makes the government poor since they can't tax the citizens since they get no money causing worldwide poverty issues.

A massive event of "Racism"/whatever you all it for clones would occur. We are bad enough to people just because they have a different colour imagine what would happen if they were created from a factory. Smart and controlled use of cloning MUST be used otherwise chaos can and will erupt and the work leading up to cloning would be useless as public pressure and overuse of cloning would of greatly damages our society.

Thursday, 21 February 2019

Tarzan stuff

Tarzan Stuff

In the first few weeks of english we have been working on perspective and messages in movies and books comparing to the world world. To help us understand we watched the Tarzan movie. After we watched it we had to compare events and messages in it to the real world. We have had to take a quote "Two Worlds, One Family" and take two messages and talk about them.

Here is my definition for the Quote Two Worlds, One Family. "The quote means that animals and Human are psychologically in a different world but in the same at the same time. In this case, the Gorillas and Tarzan are in one world but the Humans are in another world but Tarzan has one family which ends up being the Humans that stayed and the Gorillas"

Here are my two other messages I made a paragraph about.

In Tarzan, a big theme is about different cultures and how a more advanced culture may interact with a more “Primitive” culture that is discovered. This movie links to stuff like the British colonization of NZ were British troops tried to take the land and eventually warred with the Maori. It happened in the real world so much and even today it happens when cultures collide or Religions collide. The way it is shown here is the Humans come to find and eradicate the Gorillas while the two explorers want to save them. This shows a dynamic in the real world as well were people from the same culture and religion don’t want the war to continue or the conquest of other cultures/religions.

Another theme is about how nature is also a living thing and should not be needlessly trampled over like it was in the movie. They show the Animals in the jungle as living things with their own cultures traditions and language that talk to each other and are caring to each other just trying to survive in a peaceful place. When the Humans come you see their terrified expressions and how their Alpha male Kerchak gets extremely defensive and rushes at them to protect his family. It shows that in this world Humans are like Animals in a way. Which is true was are made from the same thing and both us and animals have communities families and stuff like that we are more similar than what a lot of people believe.

Friday, 15 February 2019

first health on spiritual

Alright so in health we are learning about spiritual well being which involved religion and all that stuff. Culture as well and values. So spiritual well being evolves around your values, traditions and beliefs. for example someone that beliefs in religion as well as has a culture they practice is quite spiritual.

We had to choose some values that are most important to us and I chose is enjoyment and kindness. These are important to me because you need kindness and enjoyment in your life otherwise what is it really worth. When people are having fun with you and treating you well you do feel great and it is alot of fun.

Friday, 8 February 2019

Top 5 human rights (In MY OPINION)

Top 5 Human Rights in my opinion

For my first Social Studies topic in 2019 we are looking at slavery. We are reading a book called Iqbal which you can find online as well as doing some tasks on Human rights right now. If you don't know what human rights are basically they are 30 rights the UN declared. These rights are for all Humans and cover basic things that are bad for us such as slavery as well as trying to guarantee us a education as a child. My first task is to look at the Human rights and select 5 that I believe are the most needed.

5. Freedom from torture and degrading treatment

Wars still happen and they are terrible like they always war. Country's like America are working behind the scenes to prepare for a war most likely. In these events people can be caught up in the crossfire and possibly sometimes believed to be the enemy imagine being tortured because you were believed to be apart of the other side. Or just being a conscript in an army that you believe is doing the right thing and having to face torture.

4.  Freedom from interference with Privacy, Family, Home and Correspondence

Being able to have your own family without it being taken away from you is important to someone. Many people need their family and those that have lost them wish them back. Having the government take your family away from you would be catastrophic and giving the government the power to do this without reason can create much turmoil in the country. Your home is in many cases what you worked hard for earning money to keep or pay for having that just taken from you is the same as family but to a lesser extent. Privacy is vital as well to a persons life these days losing our right to these things would create many problems and outcry in the people that life on earth.

3. Freedom of belief and religion

Religion is a massive thing in this world. I myself don't believe in it however many do and many wars have been started over religion. When a government or movement attempt to restrict a belief or someones religion they will bite back. This can become really nasty and possibly start a civil war or a movement. Some people need their religion to believe in, if you stop them from being able to they will rebel it is the same as freedom of opinion in a way.

2. Right to free education

Education in a society is vital, if our education wasn't free the legitimately poor will find it hard to send their children to school to get a education. Without a proper education what will happen with these people? There are many things that the lack of school will do to them. They will make less friends unlike if a person did go to school, affecting their social skills massively, they will have no idea about how to get a nice job that can get them into a better state in their life. They perhaps might not even understand English properly if their family does not teach them much. Without a free education poorer family's will have added money costs and in quite a few cases will have children not even able to go to school without endangering the family.

1. Freedom from slavery

In my opinion slavery is one of the worst kinds of things to happen to a person. You could be enslaved from the age of 8 all the way to the point where you are no longer to able to work well at the age of possibly 50. Imagine a whole life where you get a couple of meals a week, are not able to talk to people often and in many cases chained, beaten and punished for any mistake, in many cases slaves are given a false hope of freedom by their slave master however in the end many stay enslaved for their whole life. Child slaves are still a massive thing today where 10 year olds work for years making bricks or carpets in some country's and given a "reward' which in reality is a false hope that will never come.