
Friday 8 February 2019

Top 5 human rights (In MY OPINION)

Top 5 Human Rights in my opinion

For my first Social Studies topic in 2019 we are looking at slavery. We are reading a book called Iqbal which you can find online as well as doing some tasks on Human rights right now. If you don't know what human rights are basically they are 30 rights the UN declared. These rights are for all Humans and cover basic things that are bad for us such as slavery as well as trying to guarantee us a education as a child. My first task is to look at the Human rights and select 5 that I believe are the most needed.

5. Freedom from torture and degrading treatment

Wars still happen and they are terrible like they always war. Country's like America are working behind the scenes to prepare for a war most likely. In these events people can be caught up in the crossfire and possibly sometimes believed to be the enemy imagine being tortured because you were believed to be apart of the other side. Or just being a conscript in an army that you believe is doing the right thing and having to face torture.

4.  Freedom from interference with Privacy, Family, Home and Correspondence

Being able to have your own family without it being taken away from you is important to someone. Many people need their family and those that have lost them wish them back. Having the government take your family away from you would be catastrophic and giving the government the power to do this without reason can create much turmoil in the country. Your home is in many cases what you worked hard for earning money to keep or pay for having that just taken from you is the same as family but to a lesser extent. Privacy is vital as well to a persons life these days losing our right to these things would create many problems and outcry in the people that life on earth.

3. Freedom of belief and religion

Religion is a massive thing in this world. I myself don't believe in it however many do and many wars have been started over religion. When a government or movement attempt to restrict a belief or someones religion they will bite back. This can become really nasty and possibly start a civil war or a movement. Some people need their religion to believe in, if you stop them from being able to they will rebel it is the same as freedom of opinion in a way.

2. Right to free education

Education in a society is vital, if our education wasn't free the legitimately poor will find it hard to send their children to school to get a education. Without a proper education what will happen with these people? There are many things that the lack of school will do to them. They will make less friends unlike if a person did go to school, affecting their social skills massively, they will have no idea about how to get a nice job that can get them into a better state in their life. They perhaps might not even understand English properly if their family does not teach them much. Without a free education poorer family's will have added money costs and in quite a few cases will have children not even able to go to school without endangering the family.

1. Freedom from slavery

In my opinion slavery is one of the worst kinds of things to happen to a person. You could be enslaved from the age of 8 all the way to the point where you are no longer to able to work well at the age of possibly 50. Imagine a whole life where you get a couple of meals a week, are not able to talk to people often and in many cases chained, beaten and punished for any mistake, in many cases slaves are given a false hope of freedom by their slave master however in the end many stay enslaved for their whole life. Child slaves are still a massive thing today where 10 year olds work for years making bricks or carpets in some country's and given a "reward' which in reality is a false hope that will never come.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mr Stokes. I was not to sure about number 5. and 4. to be honest was considering freedom of speech or Expression as well. In the end though I did choose Torture and freedom from family interference. Ye could probably interweave some of the Human rights stuff into that subject.


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