
Wednesday 28 November 2018

The life of a soldier in World War two

The life of a soldier in World War Two

In English, I have started a new area of writing which is creative writing. For creative writing, we can choose a task out of all of these options and complete it. Once that is done we complete another task and so on. The first task I am going to do is The life of a soldier during World War Two.

It's September the 1st 1939. Germany just began their invasion of Poland and with that England declared war on them, when the orders were relayed that the troops were to prepare to move out we all were shocked. We knew it was coming but..... no one was really prepared for it. The days leading up to now had been plagued with moves from Hitler and his allies, they already took over multiple regions of land with ease. The first World War was bad enough... but now this.

Norway is gone..... Word just reached us that Hitler has entrenched his forces in Norway after the English tried to halt iron shipments to Germany. What's worse is that the country is in turmoil, it's only the start of the war and already people are worried and scared, we already lost multiple battles and even Chamberlain our former Prime Minister resigned because of the losses. It looks grim I don't know how this is going to go, I and my fellow soldiers are being prepared to move to France. No one will say it themselves but we are all scared, we know what happened in World War 1 and we don't want to share their fate.

The defences have been hit bad and we are already falling back, damn French they were in no way prepared for this. The Germans surrounded us and sent refugees and many civilians to slow us down and then they boxed us in, were boxed in with what seems no escape. The officer in charge tells us that ships are coming to rescue us, but I doubt it. It was worse than I imagined, I have already witnessed one of my friends die at the hands of Germans, I doubt I will live to see the end.

The worse has happened once again, France was not prepared at all and the Germans smashed through their country decimating what little resistance they had! I managed to escape with the aid of English ships. It was a surprise to see civilians driving them, with France down I doubt we can hold out much longer, bombing raids have already begun on the country and our defences are already falling with the Luftwaffe bombing major air and navy stations.

The bombings are getting out of hand now, children and older people in cities are being evacuated to the countryside to avoid heavy bombing, I was currently at my house in London about to be assigned to my next assignment when the bombings began, a bomb landed right outside of my house and immediately sirens began to ring, outside in the sky the airforce made their desperate last stand in London as the Luftwaffe pressed their bombing and attacks. There were mangled corpses some areas you would see a hand of a once living person... it was brutal and to this day the sights still haunt me. The city's population are being rounded up into several bomb shelters I am on my way to one of the shelters hopefully I can survive this.

This was the life of a soldier in WW2 serving under Britain during the early stages. The start of the war was filled with death and loss on their side causing many soldiers to loss their friends and familys to lose their loved ones. 

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