
Friday 2 November 2018

Dragon Heart 4 main characters resume

Dragon Heart Character Resume
Characters are a vital part of a film, it makes the film work or it makes the film bad story wise. You need engaging characters to have a good story. For my next Dragon heart task, I had to create a resume like thing for 4 different characters.


Interesting facts

  • Used to train Einon before becoming his enemy
  • Believes in the old knight's code but never knows how to bring it back
  • Is consumed by revenge at one point and forgets about his ways.
  • He becomes king after Einons death
  • Much of his past beyond this is unknown.

Challenges he faced

  • The betrayal of Einon
  • Struggling with the thoughts of returning to the old ways and how he could accomplish that
How he reacted to these problems

  • These two main problems he faced intertwined with each other. To cope with the betrayal of Einon he first hunted down dragons believing they caused it until he met Draco and after a while of fighting and mistrust, befriended him. With Draco, he returned to the old ways and once defeating Einon sought to return the kingdom to the old ways.
Words that best describe him

  • Brave
  • Loyal
  • Honorable
  • Conflicted


Interesting facts

  • Was trained by Bowen before turning evil
  • Never believed in the old ways
  • Was always as corrupt as his father
  • He raised taxes extremely high and pillaged farms that didn't pay up
  • Always felt hatred for Bowen
  • Never knew he was immortal

Challenges he faced

  • Rebuilding a crumbling kingdom
  • Crushing rebellions
  • Fighting Bowen

How he reacted to these problems

  • For the first two, he would of most likely brung his soldier to take out rising up peasants and crush them before they became a threat. He would then once asserting dominance over them take lots of their money with high taxes allowing him to keep a professionally trained army but making the peasants resort to trading goods.
  • Once he discovered Bowen once again he moved to counter him quickly. After the first fight hen ever underestimated him until when he found out he was immortal.
Words that best describe him

  • Cocky
  • Arrogant
  • Smart
  • Manipulative
  • Greedy

Brother Gilbert

Interesting facts

  • Looked up to Bowen after meeting him
  • Was a natural at using a bow
  • Never fought before

Challenges he faced

  • Preparing for the battle with EInon
  • Becoming friends with Bowen

How he reacted to these problems

  • For preparing for war with Eionon he practiced day and night hooning his archery skills and doing whatever he can to prepare himself
  • For becoming friends with EIonon he just followed him around and was lucky to see him again.
Words that best describe him

  • Spiritual
  • Annoying
  • Comic relief
  • Gifted


Interesting facts

  • Was scared of death
  • Never knew how to bring down Einon
  • Never knew he would have to die for Einon to die
  • Strongly believes in the old ways

Challenges he faced

  • Proving himself so his soul does not disappear
  • Finding a way to defeat Einon
  • Sacrificing himself to kill Einon

How he reacted to these problems

  • He never knew how to prove himself until he met Bowen, he remembered Bowen from years ago and believed he might have a chance to beat Einon. When he realized he had to die so Einon could die he did everything he can to make Bowen kill him so he could have a worthy death and allow Einon to die.
Words that best describe him

  • Smart
  • Hopefull
  • Strong
  • Spiritual

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